Terms and conditions

This contract is a distance contract pursuant to article 50 and subsequent of Legislative Decree 6 September 2005 n.206 (consumer code). The object of the contract is the sale of goods between the company PIUSHOPPING SRL registered office: Via Dante Alighieri, 11 - 76121 Barletta (BT) - Operational office: Contrada Curatoio,30H area ind. - 76125 Trani (BT), Italy - VAT number: 07940510725, henceforth "zikhome.com"; and the consumer (the customer). The contract is concluded directly through the acceptance by a purchase proposal issued by the Customer by telephone or via the internet following an invitation to offer content on the site www.zikhome.com
PIUSHOPPING SRL adheres to the code of ethics of the Italian Association of Electronic Commerce available at the following link: https://www.aicel.org/codice-etico-dei-merchant-aicel

How to purchase:

The purchase can be made directly on our platform (purchase as a guest or by registering an account), by email at ordini@zikhome.it, by telephone on 0883 950582, or by FAX on 0883 950893. conditions of the contract are understood to be accepted in each of the ways indicated.

Prices displayed

Prices include VAT and all other taxes.

Transport costs

Shipping is included in the displayed prices.

Terms of payment:

Payments can be made by credit card via the PayPal platform (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, rechargeable cards, Postepay, etc.), by bank transfer, or upon delivery of the goods (cash on delivery). Cash on delivery has an additional cost of 10 euros for goods value up to 300 euros. Over 300 euros, the cost of the same corresponds to 5% of the value of the goods; can be made in cash for amounts that do not exceed Euro 1999.99. NB In case of payment by bank transfer, the goods will not be shipped before the amount is credited to our bank current account. Bank transfers must be made to the following coordinates: BPER BANCA SPA TRANI BRANCH IBAN: IT26K0538741721000043117369 payable to Piushopping SRL description: order number.

Right of withdrawal:

zikhome.com (PIUSHOPPING SRL) extends the right of withdrawal to 30 days . Application of the right of withdrawal provided for by the Consumer Code (Articles 64 and subsequent Legislative Decree 206/2005) relating to the protection of consumers in respect of distance contracts. The right of withdrawal starts from the day of receipt of the goods, if the information obligations have been met. This right consists in the right to return the purchased goods to the seller and in the consequent reimbursement of the purchase price including shipping costs.

The right of withdrawal is exercised by sending, within the aforementioned term, a communication by e-mail (ordini@zikhome.it), fax, registered mail (piushopping srl, via curatorio 30h, 76125 Trani), any other suitable means to communicate the decision or use the model withdrawal form set out in Annex I, part B; (2) of the art. 54 Consumer Code . right of withdrawal form;. >>> CLICK HERE <<<

The right of withdrawal applies to natural persons (consumers) who act for purposes that can be considered unrelated to their commercial activity. Resellers, companies and VAT number holders are therefore excluded from the right.

zikhome.com will return the price paid by the Customer within 14 days of the customer's communication regarding his wish to exercise the right of withdrawal; if the product reaches zikhome.com damaged or incomplete, zikhome.com will return only a part of the amount paid by the Customer, i.e. the price deducted for the damage or missing parts.

To obtain a refund, the goods must arrive carriage paid at our warehouses in Trani. The shipping costs for returning the returned goods are borne by the buyer.


If you have a complaint against zikhome.com following the purchase of a product or service and it was not possible for you to resolve it by contacting our Customer Service, remember that you have the possibility to present it through the ODR platform (Platform for online resolution of disputes), managed by the European Commission. The platform is available at the following link: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/main/index.cfm?event=main.home.chooseLangua


All marketed products enjoy the legal guarantee of conformity provided for by articles 128 et seq. of the Consumer Code which covers any lack of conformity of the purchased items, existing at the time of delivery and which occur within 2 years of the delivery itself. zikhome.com extends this warranty to 3 years on all ZIK branded products. Any defects or damage caused by accidental events or by the Customer's responsibility for use of the products that do not comply with their intended use, or the effect of normal wear and tear, are excluded from lack of conformity and, therefore, from the legal guarantee.
The Customer can ask, at his choice, the seller to repair the goods or to replace them, free of charge in both cases, unless the requested remedy is impossible or imposes disproportionate costs on the seller.
The consumer customer has the right to a proportional reduction in the price or to the termination of the sales contract, in accordance with the provisions of art. 135 bis, paragraph 4, Consumer Code and, in particular, if: the seller has not carried out the repair or replacement within the terms and conditions set forth in the Consumer Code, or has refused to bring the goods into conformity; if the lack of conformity is so serious as to justify the immediate reduction of the price or the termination of the contract; if a lack of conformity occurs despite the seller's attempt to restore the conformity of the goods; if the seller has declared (or this is clear from the circumstances) that he will not bring the goods back into conformity within a reasonable period or without incident.
The consumer customer has no right to terminate the contract if the lack of conformity is only minor.
To benefit from this guarantee, the customer must report the lack of conformity with a communication addressed to the seller indicating the defects and defects found.
Unless proven otherwise, it is assumed that any lack of conformity which occurs within one year from the moment the goods were delivered already existed on that date, unless this hypothesis is incompatible with the nature of the goods or with the nature of the defect of compliance.
For goods with digital elements, the seller undertakes to keep the consumer customer informed about the available updates (including security updates), necessary in order to maintain the conformity of such goods, and to provide them for a reasonable time, taking into account the circumstances and the nature of the contract and in any case, depending on the case, if the sales contract provides for a continuous supply of the digital content or digital service over a period of time.
The seller is not responsible for any lack of conformity resulting solely from the lack of the relevant update, if the consumer does not install the updates duly provided within a reasonable time.

General provisions:

The delivery times indicated are purely indicative, despite the commitment of all the staff to respect them. Failure to comply with the delivery times indicated does not authorize the customer to terminate the contract, nor to take action against the supplier for any damage caused by the same. The same applies to the delay in the shipment of blanks or spare parts. In the event of particular promotions with delayed deliveries (called pre-order promotions/offers, pre-order, pre-seasonal, off-season, etc.), our commitment and interest will be maximum in respecting the delivery dates indicated, but not we are not liable in any way for any delays not attributable to us. Refusal of delivery In case of refusal of delivery for any reason, the recipient will be charged for the costs of going and returning the goods to our warehouse.


In compliance with Legislative Decree 206/2005 as amended, for civil disputes relating to the application of Sections I to IV of this chapter, the mandatory territorial jurisdiction lies with the judge of the place of residence or domicile of the consumer, if located in the territory of the state.

Dispute Resolution

The consumer established in Europe can take advantage of the platform made available by the European Commission for the resolution of any dispute arising from the online contract stipulated on the site.
The European ODR platform is available at the following link: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/odr