Cookie policy

This information, pursuant to art. 13 of European Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, is provided in compliance with the provisions of Legislative Decree 196/2003 and subsequent amendments of the Italian Republic, the Provision of the Data Protection Authority no. 231 of 10 June 2021, as well as Directive 2002/58/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council.

What are Cookies?

Cookies are text strings that websites (so-called Publishers, or “first parties”) visited by the user or different websites or web servers (so-called “third parties”) place and store – directly, in the case of publishers, and indirectly, i.e. through the latter, in the case of “third parties” – within a terminal device available to the user. The terminals referred to are, for example, a computer, a tablet, a smartphone, or any other device capable of storing information.

Internet navigation software and the operation of these devices, such as browsers, can store cookies and then transmit them back to the sites that generated them during a subsequent visit by the same user, thus maintaining a memory of his previous interaction with one or more websites.

The information encoded in cookies may include personal data, such as an IP address, username, unique identifier or email address, but may also contain non-personal data, such as language settings or information about the type of device a person is using to navigate the site.

Cookies therefore perform important and various functions, including monitoring sessions, storing information on specific configurations regarding users who access the server, facilitating the use of online content, etc. They can be used to keep track of items in an online shopping cart or information used to fill out an IT form.

Through cookies it is possible to allow, among other things, web pages to load faster, as well as route information on a network, in line with obligations strictly connected to the operation of websites. Also through cookies it is possible to convey behavioral advertising (so-called " behavioral advertising ") and then measure the effectiveness of the advertising message, or conform the type and method of services provided to the behavior of the user previously observed.

Types of Cookies

Italian legislation (art. 122 of Legislative Decree 196/03 “Personal Data Protection Code” hereinafter briefly “Privacy Code”) has introduced into our legal system Community Directive 2009/136/CE which requires website managers who use cookies or other monitoring technologies to inform the user about the types of cookies used by the site.

With Provision no. 231 of 10 June 2021, published in the Official Journal no. 163 of 9 July 2021, the Guarantor for the protection of personal data divided the types of cookies into two macro categories: "technical" cookies and "non-technical" cookies.

Technical Cookies 

They are installed by the owner or manager of the website for the purpose of <<carrying out the transmission of a communication on an electronic communications network, or to the extent strictly necessary for the provider of an information society service explicitly requested by the subscriber or user to provide such service>> (art. 122, paragraph 1, of the Privacy Code). The prior consent of users is not required for the installation of Technical Cookies.

First-party and third-party analytics cookies

They are comparable to cookies and other technical identifiers only if:

  • they are used only to produce aggregate statistics and in relation to a single site or a single mobile application ;
  • for third-party cookies, at least the fourth component of the IP address is masked;
  • Third parties refrain from combining analytics cookies, thus minimized, with other processing (customer files or statistics of visits to other sites, for example) or from transmitting them to other third parties. However, third parties are permitted to produce statistics with data relating to multiple domains, websites or mobile applications that can be traced back to the same publisher or business group.

The owner who carries out on his own the mere statistical processing of data relating to multiple domains, websites or mobile applications attributable to him may also use the data in clear, in compliance with the purpose constraint.

Non-technical cookies

They are used to trace back to specific, identified or identifiable subjects, specific actions or recurring behavioral patterns in the use of the functions offered ( patterns ) in order to group the different profiles within homogeneous clusters of different sizes, so that it is also possible to modulate the provision of the service in an increasingly personalized way, as well as send targeted advertising messages, i.e. in line with the preferences expressed by the user in the context of web browsing.

Article 122 of the Privacy Code refers to them, where it provides that <<the storage of information in the terminal device of a contractor or user or access to information already stored is permitted only on condition that the contractor or user has expressed his/her consent after being informed using the simplified procedures referred to in Article 13 of the Privacy Code, paragraph 3>> (Article 122, paragraph 1, of the Code).

The Guarantor has also categorized cookies according to the entity that acts as the controller of the personal data collected by the cookie, distinguishing between “first-party” cookies and “third-party” cookies.

First-party cookies

They are managed by the owner of the site. For these cookies, the obligation to provide information falls to the owner of the site. The latter is also obliged to indicate the methods for blocking the cookie.

Third party cookies

They are managed by a third party other than the owner of the site. For these cookies, the obligation to provide information and indicate the methods for blocking the cookie is the responsibility of the third party. The owner of the site is required to report the URL where these elements are available.

In both types of cookies (first-party or third-party), the collection of consent, which is necessary if the cookie is a profiling cookie, occurs via a specific banner on the home page of the site.

Types of cookies used on our website

This website uses technical cookies, which can be used without asking for the consent of the interested party, as they are strictly necessary for the provision of the service. In addition, third-party profiling cookies may be used, the use of which is subject to the consent directly given to such third parties by accessing the relevant information on the use of cookies. Profiling cookies may be used, by the Data Controller or by the owner of the cookie itself, to memorize the choices made by the interested party, to provide personalized or optimized functions or to memorize their habits and preferences shown during navigation. For example, profiling cookies may be used to offer the interested party online services, to send them advertising that takes into account their interests or to prevent them from being offered services that they have refused in the past.

The next section of this Cookie Policy contains a detailed list of all cookies used by this website.

The first group lists the so-called technical cookies whose use does not require the user's consent.

The second group lists profiling cookies.

For both groups, the following information is provided for each type of cookie:

  1. Cookie name
  2. function explained by the cookie
  3. cookie expiration.
  4. Indication whether the cookie is first-party or third-party
  5. if the cookie is a third-party cookie, an indication of the link through which it is possible to reach the third-party site where the third-party's information is reported regarding the processing carried out on personal data collected through the cookie and the methods for blocking the cookie are reported


No information available


Strictly Required Cookies

30 minutes


No information available


Strictly Required Cookies

1 year




Strictly Required Cookies

14 days


No information available


Strictly Required Cookies

60 minutes


GDPR/CCPA + Cookie management


Strictly Required Cookies

1 year


No information available


Strictly Required Cookies

1 year




Strictly Required Cookies

1 year




Strictly Required Cookies

1 year




Strictly Required Cookies

1 year




Analysis and Statistics

1 year




Analysis and Statistics

30 minutes




Analysis and Statistics

30 minutes




Analysis and Statistics

30 minutes




Analysis and Statistics

30 minutes


Google Analytics


Analysis and Statistics

2 years


Google DoubleClick


Marketing and Retargeting

1 year


Meta Platforms, Inc.


Marketing and Retargeting

90 days




1 year


No information available


10 years


No information available


90 days


No information available


2 years


No information available


2 years

This website does not exchange cookies with external sites or external data providers.

The authorization to collect and store data through cookies can be revoked at any time: the interested party can deactivate the use of cookies through the specific setting options of the different browsers.

  • Microsoft Explorer:

  • Google Chrome:

  • Mozilla Firefox:

  • Apple Safari:


This Cookie Policy was updated on ______24/07/2024____________ . Future updates will be published on this page. For more information on the privacy policy click here